My practice focuses on lasting, positive change that increases well-being and life potential
Optimal living through a caring and holistic approach
Experience enhanced personal awareness, growth, and development
Expand Awareness and Potential
Psychotherapy can be used to resolve specific issues as well as increase overall life quality.
The combination of traditional psychotherapy, with psychological tools which come from ancient healing traditions from other cultures, can increase the level of change and psychological growth.
As limiting patterns are released, new more positive ways of resolving life issues can be developed. Positive emotional states become easier to sustain. Clients have more enjoyable and fulfilling lives.
Integrative Holistic Approach to Psychotherapy with Energy Psychology
Traditional psychotherapy along with approaches from Energy Psychology can increase overall levels of change. Energy Psychology involves the use of ancient mind/body healing approaches, mainly from Eastern Healing traditions.
Energy psychology provides powerful tools that enable people to accomplish so much with lasting, positive change .
Through a variety of approaches (such as EMDR, Advanced Integrative Psychotherapy, and more), insight-oriented psychotherapy combined with ancient forms of mind/body healing from other cultures results in very high levels of emotional change.
Jean Gibson provides life-changing psychotherapy to help clients life more fully. Jean has had more than 30 years in private practice, and personal & professional growth training.